You need support / help / connections
- to register,
- to price,
- to place or
- to launch your product(s) in ANZ or Europe?
Do we know the registration process?
- How long will it take? Deadlines?
- What costs are involved?
- Who can prepare the quality dossier? Who has the contacts to the authorities?
Pricing, do we enter a free or regulated market?
- Who can prepare a promising price submission dossier? Time restrictions?
- Do we understand the price competitive environment?
- Do we need a customer survey?
Who should/will buy our product?
- Do we know/understand our target group? Group specific: young/aged, male/female, socioeconomic level, etc?
- Product/package design?
- Will our advertisement/promotion budget reach the right target group? Design?
- Did we train, motivate and resource the sales team? ‘KISS’ sales folder? Launch deals? Bonus scheme?
Are we ready to launch tomorrow?
- Can/did we ‘tick’ all boxes (see above)?
- Do we have enough product for our launch activities?
- Is the supply chain organised and ready to fulfil possibly more and new orders?
- Did we ‘sell’ the new product to our staff? Is everyone behind the product? Does the ‘grapevine’ work in our favour?
→ If one ore more things apply, contact: